
A CGC/saturation approach for angular correlations in
proton-proton scattering

Rapidity Distributions of Hadrons in Proton-Nucleus Collisions

Heavy flavor production in high-energy pp collisions:
Color dipole description

Rescaling of quantized skyrmions: from nucleon to baryons with heavy flavor

Nuclear effects in leading neutron production

Suppression versus enhancement of heavy quarkonia in pA collisions

Novel scenario for production of heavy flavored mesons
in heavy ion collisions

Leading neutrons from polarized
proton-nucleus collisions

Perturbative QCD and beyond: Azimuthal angle correlations
in deuteron-deuteron scattering from Bose-Einstein correlations

Deep inelastic scattering as a probe of entanglement

Bose-Einstein correlations and v2n and v2n−1 in hadron and nucleus collisions

Predictive Pati-Salam theory of fermion masses
and mixing

CP-violating decays of the pseudoscalars η and η0 and their connection to the
electric dipole moment of the neutron

Radiatively generated hierarchy of lepton and quark

QCD-improved limits from neutrinoless double beta decay

Radiative seesaw-type mechanism of fermion masses and non-trivial quark mixing

Loop neutrino masses from d = 7 operator

Mapping the dominant regions of the phase space
associated with c¯c production
relevant for the Prompt Atmospheric Neutrino Flux

Exotic Trajectories Effects on Neutrino Oscillations

Accessing the gluon Wigner distribution in ultraperipheral pA collisions

Heavy flavor production in high-energy pp collisions:
Color dipole description

The landscape of W±and Zbosons produced in ppcollisions up to LHC energies

Reviving trinification models through an E6-extended supersymmetric GUT

An i2HDM Strongly Coupled to a non-Abelian Vector Resonance

Constraints on vector resonances from a strong Higgs sector.

Corrections to (pseudo)scalars decay width into a fermion pair from
gravitational torsion

Search for Invisible Decays of Sub-GeV Dark Photons
in Missing-Energy Events at the CERN SPS

Predictions for p+Pb Collisions at √sNN
= 8.16 TeV

DPS in CGC: Double Quark Production and Effects of Quantum Statistics

Elliptic flow from color-dipole orientation in pp and pA collisions

Double parton scattering in the color glass condensate:
Hanbury-Brown-Twiss correlations in double inclusive photon production