4rth Weekly High Energy Physics Seminar 2022

Following last week’s excellent presentation made by armenian Phd candidate Estevahan Molinian we will continue with our weekly High Energy Physics talks, this time professor Andrey Borquiev will be giving the a talk titled:

T H E   ω   H A D R O N I Z AT I O N   S T U D I E S   I N
T H E   N U C L E A R   M E D I U M   W I T H   T H E   C L A S



A complete picture of the strong interaction must include hadronization, the dynamical process of a free quark forming a color-neutral hadron. To study the hadronization of the vector meson ω(782), we perform semiinclusive deep-inelastic scattering measurements on deuterium, carbon, iron, and lead using data collected with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab employing a 5.014 GeV electron beam. To examine nuclear dependence on the hadron formation, we present ω multiplicities of the solid targets relative to those on deuterium as one-dimensional functions of the virtualphoton energy ν, the photon virtuality Q2, the fractional hadron energy zh, and the square of the hadron transverse momentum p2T. This analysis corresponds to the world’s first hadronization studies of the ω meson and hints at a promising future for upcoming CLAS12 and EIC experiments, where more detailed investigations could be achieved.


Email contact: david.felipe.kouyoumdjian@cern.ch

Place: Aula Magna, UTFSM. Avenida España 1680

Time: 19/3/2022, 08:30 (GMT-3




Phd. E Molinian explaining Instrinsict Parton Momentum

This year, as part of the initiative to incorporate Web3 technologies from the Computer Science Department of UTFSM, 100 POAPS will be given to the first attendees who also attended the first weekly seminar, these POAPs will be given every week and owners will be able to take decisions regarding future talks. More info on: https://poap.xyz/faqs

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