Entries by David Kouyoumdjian

New team members

As of today, two new technicians will be working on the fabrication of sTGC detectors. Johana Sanhueza and Nicolas Ide will be joining the team and at first, they will be receiving training from our more experienced technicians: Francisco Valenzuela, Cesar Gonzalez and Felipe Caballero.

The assemble of wedges has begun

During July and August 2017, technicians and engineers have been working at CERN installations to assemble the first stgc Wedge. This complex process consists on joining the different sTGC detectors that have been fabricated on each construction site and joining them in one piece. The Anillo 1406 project has sent 2 engineers, Rimsky Rojas and […]

First Laparoscopic probe in Chile!

  Tuesday 5th, June 2017, a date that will be remembered in the Anillo 1406 project history. One day before, Francisco Martinez had gone to to show doctors of Clínica Universidad Católica  in Santiago his finally completed inter-operative gamma probe. Doctors were so pleased with the device that asked if they could test it in […]

Participation in the International conference on High Energy Physics

  Rimsky Rojas, a young researcher of the Anillo 1406 Project participated in the 38th international conference on High Energy Physics in Chicago, United States. Rimsky, who is currently working in the ATLAS Upgrade project, presented the subject:  Small-StripThin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment. This conference is considered to […]


FLASY 2016: 6th Workshop on Flavour Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology FLASY 2016 is the sixth workshop on flavor symmetries. The workshop brings together researchers in the fields of flavor symmetries, neutrino physics, phenomenology, and cosmology. This year’s edition is hold at the Federico Santa María University in Valparaiso-Chile, a city with a spectacular architecture, […]

Module#0 at CERN

The Module#0, which had been shipped to CERN earlier this month has finally arrived in perfect conditions and is now in hands of our team members. Team members in CERN: Rimsky Rojas and Gerardo Vasquez Now the team has completed the first steps in order to perform a radiation test in CERN facilities, they have also developed a procedure […]

7 day sTGC test complete for Module-0

The 7 day test for the module-0 has finished. The objective of this test was to see how does the sTGC responds to irradiation and different levels of high voltage. For the x-ray scan, the x-ray generator is placed in a Kuka Robot arm that moves automatically covering every space of the sTGC. This test is performed […]

The ACT1406 Anillo Project Webpage

The ACT1406 Anillo Project Webpage has been created. This site will be updated at a regular basis and will contain all information related to the project, from image galleries to publications. This is a responsive site, which means it will be automatically adapted when opened in tablets or cell phones.