Entries by David Kouyoumdjian


The second part of the The winter conference season is in full swing! 2022 marks the return of full auditoriums and coffee-break chats following UTFSM’s winter break, as one of the most     prestiguos universities in Valparaiso welcomes participants to participate presencially or online in the next round of conferences about the ATLAS experiment results regarding […]

HEP Talks 2022 – The Relativistic Quantum World

This month we return with the weekly talks by having Georgian prodigy particle physics student Markov Bravkov delivering a lecture titled: The Relativistic Quantum World This talk touches subjects such as: The Principle of RelTime Dilation and Lorentz Contraction Time Dilation and Lorentz Contraction The Lorentz Transformation and Paradoxes General Relativity and Gravitational Waves The […]

2nd Weekly High Energy Physics Seminar 2022

During March the 1st, following a successful seminar last week with more than 120 attendees, a new weekly ATLAS related talk will be held, as part of the talks organized by the ‘Theory Meets Experiment at ATLAS LHC (ACT1406)’, which are going to be held at Aula Magna UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile. The second talk will […]

Activity in school. Cosmic ray Telescope

Since October 2018, school students from ‘Colegio Altamonte’ have been taking measurements using the Cosmic Ray Telescope that was developed as part of the ACT 1406 Anillo project. After one month of measurements they gave a presentation with their results. 8 different students also gave presentations about different subjects related to cosmic rays. More pictures […]

Activity in school. ATLAS Coloring book for kids

On Decmeber 12, as part of the anillo ACT 1406 project, 3 talks were given in one of Viña del Mar’s most emblematic schools, Colegio Winterhil. The talks were given to groups of young kids (7yo – 9yo)  and were about the ATLAS Experiment. As part of the activity, a coloring book about the ATLAS […]

Jornada de difusión científica

El día martes 4 de Septiembre, se realizó una jornada de difusión científica a través del proyecto anillo ACT 1406, donde alumnos del colegio Altamonte visitaron el Laboratorio de Detección de partículas del la UTFSM. Se les realizó una guía de todo el laboratorio y se hizo una presentación del Telescopio de rayos cósmicos, con […]